Thursday, February 24, 2011

This boy...

...Yep, this one, with the lazer gun.

...the one who once thought the Empire State Building was called the Vampire State Building, and then drew a picture of it on the train...

...the one who loves to read...

...who always made sure his action figures were in just the right place...

...who's always been a talented artist, even a tad political (above is a picture of Pres. Bush he drew when he was in first grade)....

...who loves his dog with all his heart...

...who plays the viola (and now the guitar!)...

...the Karate Kid incarnate...

...who's always loved wearing costumes - with the occasional beard and mustache......

....this boy turned 12 on Wednesday.....

.....where in the world does the time go?

It's no secret that Nathan and I were young when Ethan was born. I was in college, and was determined to stay in school and be a mom. It's been hard work, but I never, ever regretted having Ethan in my life. When he was small, he was always entertaining us and singing songs and dancing. And now he's so smart and thoughtful. Looking at Ethan makes me feel like I've done something good in my 30 years. I just didn't expect the time to go by so fast.


  1. 12 years? Are you sure? He looks like an amazing boy. Not too surprising when one knows his parents. I have found motherhood to be the most rewarding work or my life. Congrats on raising a wonderful son.

  2. Sarah, this is a super cute Birthday tribute :)
